Thursday, December 28, 2006

Keeping Your Cool When You're Suspicous Of Your Spouse Cheating

One of the hardest things you have to do when you think
you're being cheated on is to keep your cool at first.

The biggest blunder most folks make when they feel their
partner's having an affair is to accuse them based on

This always backfires.

Accusing your other half of wrong doing without having any
real proof, does nothing but harm your chances of finding
out the truth.

It ends up alerting them to be more cautious about their
activities, and any chance of you knowing the truth
evaporates quicker than water in the sahara desert.

You've got to keep your cool till you find real proof of
the affair.

Otherwise you will prolong the time it takes you to know
what is really going on.

Keep cool!